
Family Portrait In Glendalough

tommy Family photography session, on location in Glendalough, County Wicklow.

Camera Shy
Canon 5D, 28mm, f3.2, 1/250, ISO 400

A couple of weekends ago I spent the morning up in Glendalough photographing this little guy and his mum and dad. His name is Tommy and he was a little shy of me and my camera at first. After a bit of stone throwing in the lake though he soon got used to me and we had a great time. He’s such a little character:

Cracking Up
Canon 5D, 85mm, f3.5, 1/640, ISO 400

Funny Face
Canon 5D, 85mm, f3.5, 1/400, ISO 400

Canon 5D, 28mm, f3.5, 1/500, ISO 400

Thank you Sarah and John for allowing me to post these photos, and for the suggestion of Glendalough as a location! Even in not so great weather, it’s so beautiful up there. I just want to sneak one more in because it’s my favourite, I just love his little expression 😀 :

Canon 5D, 85mm, f3.5, 1/250, ISO 400

If you’d like me to take photographs of you or your family I’ve added a contact form to the website here. Fill it in and I’ll send you details and if you have any ideas for interesting locations then I’d love to hear them!

20 replies on “Family Portrait In Glendalough”

i’m mike wiist’s wife and i LOVE your site. I’m also a family photographer, but i’d love some tips 🙂 anyway, just wanted to say hi, since i’m secretly stalking you through your site (i think it’s called blog stalking?). if you want to catch up on us


Hi Timbra! I know who you are, I read your blog too. Wouldn’t it be great if we could just grab a coffee and swap info 😀

I think Mike needs to take you guys back here to Ireland and show you around.

Beautiful as always. I love the way you still reach out and get those faces, even in the midst of such natural environmental beauty. We took Pip and Pop for a walk at Glendalough today and they were paddling and throwing stones in that exact spot.
ps, I love the smoochy kiss Mama is giving in that portrait. Perfect once again Claire.

You are indeed have a great shots, natural and focus. Talented photographer, i thought. Sharphen your skill for another great shots, dude.

Nice pictures with lots of expression and feelings. I must say you are good at photographing, I admire talented photographer coz I’m only an amateur lol. thanks for this sharing

Wow that was beautiful,the child is very nice.Great photography.thanks for sharing……………

Those are most wonderful pictures I have ever seen. I wish to have some of them with my son so I am going to have that Cam and your skills(Can you lend me those)?

I absolutely loves these photos. Do you have a Flickr page? I want to add you. and do you use lightroom to mess with photos and give it after effects? I would love to know… email me please!

I decided to do some blogging recently and when I seen this little fella I felt like I was looking in the mirror as he resembles myself at this age. I am really finding the blogging to be very interesting. So much out there and so many people to meet, greet and learn about. I feel like I am out traveling the world and sitting in many peoples living areas.

Take care, everyone

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