Animation Computer Games

The London Games Festival

Well, I’m off on Sunday to London for the London Games Festival, well, specifically the Career Fair, so I’ve my bags packed (well, almost), my CV printed, my showreel burned and a couple of interviews lined up. I’ll have a day and a half in London to do some touristy stuff before the fair while Matt holds the fort, and the toddler, back here. I’m hoping we’ll have no outbreaks of chicken pox this time.

The games world is a pretty small one so I’m counting on seeing some familiar faces otherwise I’ll be wandering around the fair trying to pluck up the courage to go and talk to recruiters. I just never know what to say in those situations…everything I think of sounds like a bad chat up line.

6 replies on “The London Games Festival”

Hey Colm, good idea…although if it hadn’t been for Kevin approaching me that night I might never have found you all!

Peter, that’s what I was thinking but I was far too refined to say it 😉

Cyberscribe, haha, I’ll keep it in mind as a fall-back, desperate last resort.

Here’s something for the spammers to read…

Dear Spammer,

By now, with all the media coverage, you may have realized that many people are irritated by your activities. But if you thought it ended at mere irritation, you haven’t thought it through.

Irritation is a form of stress, and as has been medically proven, stress kills. Ahah, you say, but your unsolicited commercial e-mail hasn’t killed anyone yet. Perhaps it has….

Through an interesting legal doctrine, the spam itself doesn’t have to kill, it just has to begin a chain of events that result in death. Say you were driving drunk and hit another car. The driver of that car is put in an ambulance and rushed to the hospital, but on the way to the hospital the ambulance is struck by lightning and explodes, killing the passenger. You could still be convicted of his death. Why? But for your illegal act of driving while intoxicated, that person would have most likely made it home safe. Your reckless and selfish actions resulted in that person having to be in that ambulance and thus you are responsible for their death.

Now let’s look at your spam… it aggravates a man who then snaps at his wife over an insignificant thing. They get in a fight. He leaves the house, goes to a bar, has a few drinks… On his way home he gets into an accident, killing himself and the driver of the other car. But for your spam, he might have been in a better mood and wouldn’t have fought with his wife, but no… your reckless and selfish actions resulted in the death of two people. You sick, shameless bastard!

Thus when you — with full premeditation and knowledge of the potential consequences — send out a bulk unsolicited commercial e-mailing to millions of people, you are in effect committing attempted murder by a single individual on a mass scale heretofore unknown in the history of the world.

Another interesting legal doctrine is that you may use as much force in the defense of the life of another as you would to defend your own. That means that not just everyone with an e- mail address may kill you in self defense, but everyone in the world may kill you to defend the rest of us before your spamming has the chance to take another life.

Please, save your own life as well as the lives of countless others. Don’t spam… or we’ll kill you.

With love from your pal,

Greg Bulmash
(© Greg Bulmash, all rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.)

found @

Wow, 165 spam comments to erase after just two days away from a computer! I guess my Spam Catcher plug in is officially not working.

Thanks for that letter Cyberscribe…finally, the permission I need to rid my life of spammers…if I could just figure out where they live.

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