
Signs Of Life

Single Fern Curl

Fern Curls

Dandelion Clock

Canon 10D 28-135mm lens.


Kites And Big Kids

Take Off

I took this photograph over the weekend down at my usual haunt, Killiney Beach. I enjoyed watching the excitement of the little boy but he lost interest in the kite far quicker than his Dad and uncle did.


A Plague On My House


I’ve been laid low with the flu for the past week, hence my lack of posting; it didn’t fit in with my busy schedule of sitting wrapped up in front of the telly watching “The Incredibles” for the 332nd time. It’s a testament to just how good the Pixar films are that they stand up to the repeated viewing that toddlers demand. “Thomas the Tank Engine” on the other hand…not so much.

I have been feeling increasing Blog Anxiety though through not having posted anything new on here in a week, so here are some photos taken of the trees finally getting with the programme and producing some buds. Now if the weather would just follow suit we’d be laughing.


Powerscourt Waterfall

Powerscourt Waterfall

We braved the weekend weather and headed down to Powerscourt Waterfall on Saturday. I wanted to try out my new lens and Matt’s mother was visiting from England so we thought we’d show her a bit of the Irish countryside and Eve enjoyed the “Pash, Pash, Pash” (insert hands-splashing-water image).

We weren’t there long before the heavens opened so I only got a few shots in. On the whole I was happy with my lens, although the colours and sharpness are never going to be a match for the results I get with my wide-angle, 17-40L lens.

Matt makes fun of me for taking close-up photographs of trees but I like how this one turned out.


Blogging Photography

Going Outside

Spring Sunshine

We’ve all been going a little stir crazy at Casa Wilson the last few weeks. The seemingly endless rain and a tight deadline have meant that we’re all living in eachother’s back pockets and not getting enough sunlight…hence the look of confusion on Eve’s face in the above photo. “What is this strange place…this “outside” you speak of.”

Oh, and a sidenote: why, oh why is my blog being spam-bombed? What am I doing differently of late that has caused me to blip onto these people’s radar? Everytime I log on I have on average 30 new comments from…well I won’t say specific phrases because then I might start showing up on search engines for some of those things and get even more of it. WordPress is doing an excellent job of catching it all so far. I just can’t understand the mentality of someone who will spend what must be hour on mind-numbing hour trawling through comments on old blog posts pasting this drivel. Is this the dream job you always hoped to have? Did you sit on your mother’s lap and tell her your fondest dream was to become an internet pest?

Miracle of miracles the sun has come out, the birds are singing…I’m going for a walk in the real world for awhile.