Blogging Photography

Going Outside

We’ve all been going a little stir crazy at Casa Wilson the last few weeks. The seemingly endless rain and a tight deadline have meant that we’re all living in eachother’s back pockets and not getting enough sunlight…hence the look of confusion on Eve’s face in the above photo. “What is this strange place…this “outside” you speak of.”

Spring Sunshine

We’ve all been going a little stir crazy at Casa Wilson the last few weeks. The seemingly endless rain and a tight deadline have meant that we’re all living in eachother’s back pockets and not getting enough sunlight…hence the look of confusion on Eve’s face in the above photo. “What is this strange place…this “outside” you speak of.”

Oh, and a sidenote: why, oh why is my blog being spam-bombed? What am I doing differently of late that has caused me to blip onto these people’s radar? Everytime I log on I have on average 30 new comments from…well I won’t say specific phrases because then I might start showing up on search engines for some of those things and get even more of it. WordPress is doing an excellent job of catching it all so far. I just can’t understand the mentality of someone who will spend what must be hour on mind-numbing hour trawling through comments on old blog posts pasting this drivel. Is this the dream job you always hoped to have? Did you sit on your mother’s lap and tell her your fondest dream was to become an internet pest?

Miracle of miracles the sun has come out, the birds are singing…I’m going for a walk in the real world for awhile.

6 replies on “Going Outside”

I was all right until I got that award from J L Pagano. The same day I got peppered with spam. So, I advise you against writing interesting posts.

It’s all done by machine. There is noone anywhere focussing on your blog, thinking up phrases to lure you into posting their comments. I now worry that I will delete some proper posts as if they were spam. And I get few enough comments anyway.

Hmm, so in a roundabout way it’s kind of flattering? haha, I can handle that 😀

I know some of it must be done by machine…it’s just lines of nonsense words with links thrown in…but some of it is almost clever in that it will be a comment on a post about my pets where the comment will be a general pet observation like “hey I have two parrots, they hate each other”. The only way I’m sure it’s spam is the link that’s included. It can be hard to tell sometimes but my way of dealing with it is “If in doubt delete.”

Yes- you are right, it is not hard to recognize when it is in fact spam, but, I have about 40 (or more) spam messages a day! Takes a long time to delete them all..

Try installing the ‘Spam Karma’ plugin for WordPress… it does wonders for me on WP1.5. (does v2 have a built in spam blocker?)

Can I ask you ginger pixel, is there any relation to you adding google adsense to your blog, and the spam starting? I have a theory I’m testing.

Hi Robin. I’m still on WP1.5 so I’m using the blocker from that. Thanks for the tip on Spam Karma…I’ll give that a go.

I’m not sure if adding adsense was the start of it. It was gradual at first so it’s hard to pin down. I think the explosion of spam came when I was nominated for the Blog Award so I started getting more traffic and linking. Not sure if that was the cause though.

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