
Photo Day

Saturday was the day, I had seven gracious sacrifices volunteers, the first at 9:30 in the morning and the last at 4:30 in the evening. The photographs were all taken on Killiney Beach and the weather was absolutely beautiful. It was actually a little bit too sunny at times for photographs and I had to take people in under shade so they wouldn’t end up with squinty pictures.

I’m in the process of editing all the shots now, there are quite a few to go through as I took over 300 photographs altogether! As soon as I have some to show (and I’ve given the models a first peek), I’ll get some up here. Tomorrow I am heading off to England for the day so I’m off to bed for an early night. I’ve become a bit of a nervous flyer so two flights in one day isn’t a great prospect.

6 replies on “Photo Day”

Terrific people shots, I really like them – particularly as I normally got for the ‘comfort zone’ of places to photograph. I know its harder to get good shots of people rather than places.

300 shots to edit, I hope you’ve taken a good look at Adobe lightroom then! As a keen photographer you wil love it – and it even works on a PC 😉

Thanks Davy, I know what you mean, it’s been a challenge for me to turn the camera on people lately but it’s strangely addictive.

I’ve not had a chance to look at Lightroom although I’ve heard good things about it. Anything that would speed up the whole process would be great. I’ve only just started using Adobe Bridge and I love it.


A few Lightroom links for your edification…

Definitely check the video on this link:

The video demo for select and compare is truly awesome, bear in mind that this is only one of the amazing features in Lightroom. As you can tell I’m an enormous fan. Although not what it was designed for I actually used it to process photos for a website recently, included cropping down, co-ordinating sizes and export to jpeg, it took about 2 hours. There were over 2,000 images to organise, I dunno how long this would have taken me in Photoshop/Bridge, maybe 5 hours+ I figure Lightroom paid for itself on that day alone.
Admittidely that’s a torture test for it but it does show how poerful it is. For more regular photography workflow it is the best tool I’ve ever seen for the job.

Those are great Davy, thanks! The thing that takes me the longest is the saving of all my files in the different formats once I’m finished processing them. Of course this means spending more money but you’re probably right that it would save me in man hours and so pay for itself.

I’m still learning a lot about Lightroom but I can see already how much a time saver it is, but it’s not just that it’s the control and organisation of all my images that I benefit from too. This app has actually encouraged me to use my camera more because I know I can deal with even huge amounts of files easily, I find I get to the ‘keepers’ quicker.

Export options are great, this Flash site I made was built in minutes:

I think you can still download the demo of Lightroom, should run for 1 month, I recommend you give it a go.

I only go to Photoshop now when I need to actually paint & move pixels.

Now if someone will release a Flickr export for Lightroom I’ll be totally drunk on power…

Great site Davy, those photos are fantastic. I love the fields of sunflowers and the long upshot of the castle is wonderful! OK, I’m impressed enough to check out a demo and see how Lightroom works. I’m not sure if I wouldn’t miss using my Photoshop actions though.

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