Canon 5D, 120mm, f2.8, 1/320, ISO 3200
My brother Peter is playing with Colm Lynch at the moment as part of his current band The Honeydogs. Last night they played the Button Factory in Temple Bar and they invited me along to take some photographs of the performance. I’ve never had the chance to do concert photography before so I jumped at the chance to have a go.
So here are a few shots from the night. I was having a great time and the music was brilliant too so I took sooooo many photos. I also got to meet a fellow photoblogger which is always a bonus. Kate‘s a bit of a veteran of concert photography having had photos appear in The Ticket no less, so it was very cool to meet her.
So here are just a few that jumped out as I was going over them all, I’ve put a few more up on Flickr. Thanks Donal and Phil for your tips, I can see why you guys enjoy doing this so much!

Canon 5D, 28mm, f2, 1/400, ISO 3200
And this is my baby brother Peter looking all rockstar:

Canon 5D, 185mm, f2.8, 1/250, ISO 3200
13 replies on “Colm Lynch And The Honeydogs”
That guitarist with the hat is hot! Can I have his number?
Sure Lynette it’s: 555 MUMMYS-LITTLESOLDIER
You’re SO dead
nice one claire. you got some great shots, glad you enjoyed it.
Cool action shots and I really like shot 3 and 4 here.
I would have turned down the ISO a little, seeing as I don’t have the option to go to 3200! The slowest shutter speed I generally get away with at gigs is 1/50 so you could lengthen that a bit.
Donal, I agree about the ISO, I think I was playing it a little bit too safe with 3200 😀
Hi Lynette.. While I worry your taste is seriously wanting..
He’s usually working (especially on Sunday) so you’ll also reach his mobile 555 Daddys Little Wackawoo
because he can…
Awesome shots Claire, I like the colour ones best, apart from the little bit of noise you got. Then again, if you’re doing gig photography, you have to expect a bit of noise (groan…).
Are you aware that there has already been a critically acclaimed band called The Honeydogs in the states for nearly 20 years? but yes, the guitarist is hot.
Love the second one, the colours are fantastic. And ISO3200 is amazing looking on the 5D.
@Lily, no I didn’t know that. I’ll have to pass that on!
Thanks Darren and Matt, I am really pleased that the 5D seems to be able to handle the high ISO so well. There’s definitely grain but I think it’s pretty good considering these shots have had web sharpening applied in Photoshop which always accentuates any grain. The originals are smoother. My poor old 10D wouldn’t have had a chance!
Thanks for the link there Claire 😉
Was great to meet you at the gig, and to continue the subject of graininess – I like it, especially on that first photo! Adds a little something I think.