
I Smell A Rat

For the past week or so Eve’s room has been harbouring a pungent smell, particularly when the door has been closed and it’s been allowed to gather. Of course, babies and bad smells often go hand in hand so I put it down to an errant nappy or stray piece of turnip. Cleaning the room turned up nothing and the smell continued to get worse.
Then a couple of days ago I was sure I could smell the same odour down in the kitchen prompting me to go on a sniffing trail around the room. Still nothing. Was I imagining it? I didn’t think so, one thing pregnancy left me with was a super sensitive sense of smell.

Well, yesterday afternoon we had a knock on the door. Pest control. Seems our neighbour has also been chasing a smell in her house and it looks like we may have a dead rat in the wall between our houses. Not the best of news but is it weird that I’m relieved it’s not down to my lack of vacuum cleaning in the past weeks?


All About Eve


Eve is happy to meet you!

Hi I’m Claire, you’ve found my blog. It’s going to be a blog about parenting, about animation, about family, it’s going to be about life in Ireland, it might even get a little religious but probably not very political.

Well, that’s what I say now but it’ll no doubt become all about Eve (my soon-to-be-one-year-old daughter) since she will allow no attention to go elsewhere in any other part of our lives so why should here be any different?