Ireland Photography

I’ve Got My Eye On You

bulldog and kitten

I've Got My Eye On You
Canon 5DII, 50mm, f/5, 1/1600, ISO 400

I was in Navan today photographing a cute new baby and on the way home I decided to make a little detour in to see the Hill of Tara, a place I’m ashamed to say I’ve never been to. Unfortunately it was shut (how or why you’d shut a hill is something I’m not too sure about) but I saw these two hanging around nearby and decided to take out my camera anyway. They obliged and gave me this cute shot.

9 replies on “I’ve Got My Eye On You”

Simply fabulous. I think this one deserves an award – best cat & dog photo 2009.
By the way, I’ve been publicising and praising your to Roger Overall, a professional photographer who lives near me. He too is excellent, specialises in photographing food, but you might be interested to see the wedding photo of his for which he won a prize recently.
Sorry I don’t know how to hyperlink him to you. Keep it up. You delight me.

Do my eyes deceive me or does this caption mean that you took the plunge with the Mark II?! How are you finding it? I’m not jealous in the slightest….honest! 🙂

Nice capture by the way. Looks as though the cat is just as wary of the dog!

@Kate, haha you caught me. I was wondering if anyone would spot it. Yes, I went mad and got the 5D II when I couldn’t get my hands on a replacement 5D from my usual supplier. It arrived at the end of last week and I’m still testing it out but so far I’ve been blown away by the quality of the shots. I didn’t think it would be much better than the 5D I but I’ve been very pleasantly surprised.

@Omani, thanks so much. I had a look at Roger’s site and his wedding photography is beautiful.

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