
Photo Day

Saturday was the day, I had seven gracious sacrifices volunteers, the first at 9:30 in the morning and the last at 4:30 in the evening. The photographs were all taken on Killiney Beach and the weather was absolutely beautiful. It was actually a little bit too sunny at times for photographs and I had to take people in under shade so they wouldn’t end up with squinty pictures.

I’m in the process of editing all the shots now, there are quite a few to go through as I took over 300 photographs altogether! As soon as I have some to show (and I’ve given the models a first peek), I’ll get some up here. Tomorrow I am heading off to England for the day so I’m off to bed for an early night. I’ve become a bit of a nervous flyer so two flights in one day isn’t a great prospect.

Eve Photography

New Toy

One thing about photography…it’s an expensive habit! It’s very difficult not to get pulled into the trap of always wanting the next bit of kit. I got my latest addition yesterday when my new 85mm 1.8 lens arrived from Hong Kong (I buy all my photography supplies from eBay…no way I’m going to get ripped off by the camera shops here!). I got to try it out for a few minutes this evening in the garden and I love it! The photographs are just so sharp compared to what I’ve been able to get with my wide-angle.

So to break the long blog silence, here are a few of the shots I took…

She really wasn’t in a smiling mood, she told me “all finished, Eve tired.”:

Long Suffering

The wide aperture (that’s the 1.8 bit and means the shutter can open up really wide and fast) means I can get small areas of the photo in focus while the rest blurs away. I couldn’t have gotten this effect with my wide angle:



Portfolio Update

Thanks to everyone who got in contact with me to offer themselves as models for my portfolio. The response was great and I now have enough people taking part to fill the day. The date has been set for next weekend so hopefully I’ll have lots of gorgeous shots to show for it (I’m just keeping my fingers crossed for some good weather!).

Blogging Photography

May I Take Your Photo?

Would you be interested in modelling for me? I’m in the process of building up a photography portfolio and I need your help. I’m looking for people of all ages, couples, individuals and families who would be interested in having their photographs taken for free at a location somewhere in Dublin (to be decided) in about two weeks time (I’m thinking a Saturday would probably be best for people). It would only take about an hour of your time and I would give anyone who took part a free image at the end of it all. Of course, you would have to be willing for me to use the photographs in my portfolio but don’t worry, I won’t use your name if you don’t want me to! Just scroll through my blog for examples of my photos but here and here are a good place to start. You could also check out my Flickr stream.

So, if you’re interested, email me at gingerpixelATyahooDOTcoDOTuk, tell me a bit about yourself and details of who you would like me to photograph and I’ll give you some more information.

Update: Thanks everyone for your response…I now have enough models for the day.


Easter Fun

So how was your Easter? Eve wasn’t well over the weekend but she made a miraculous recovery once she spotted her haul of Easter eggs on Sunday morning. We had a great day at my parent’s house yesterday, hunting eggs, eating far too much sugar and running around like maniacs…and no, that wasn’t just the kids.

Eve Cal & Nemo

The Effect Of Chocolate

Grandad Grandchildren Keep You Young

The chocolate come-down was a bummer though:

Lying In The Grass