Eve Photography

Glenroe Farm

Eve Holding Guinea Pig

My apologies for not posting for so long! Every now and then I find I need to take a break from blogging so I can recharge and come back to it.

Here’s a few photos from the weekend to break myself back in. While Matt was busy studying to take his CCNA, Eve and I spent the afternoon at Glenroe Farm which is a great little petting zoo and playground in Kilcoole just down the road from us. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time. If you have little ones this is a perfect place for a day out. It costs €6 for adults and €5 for kids and we brought along a picnic so it didn’t cost anymore money than the entrance fee.

After she’d finished squeezing the life out of the poor animals, there was the excellent playground to explore:

Eve On Swing

Eve is a bit of a daredevil so she had to find the tallest, fastest slide to go down. It took her a few times to figure it out but she was determined:

Eve On Slide


On The Prowl

On The Prowl 2

On The Prowl

Taken in the garden this afternoon…finally some sunshine!

Eve Photography


Eve and Nana

My mum with Eve yesterday evening. I know she hates having her picture taken as much as I do but I really like this one so hopefully she won’t mind 🙂

Hi Mum!

Eve Photography

Rainy Day Pictures

Angel Face

After our mini heatwave at the beginning of the week we’re getting a few rainy days. As much as I love the sunshine, I particularly love it when it’s pouring rain outside and Eve and I have an excuse to curl up on the couch and watch a DVD. I haven’t taken any photos of her in ages so I grabbed the chance while she was chilled out before our movie snacks kicked in!.

(These were all given the Black and White treatment I talked about in the last post)

I Tired Mummy


Photography Tutorials and Reviews

Black & White Conversion In 10 Steps

Every photographer seems to have their own way of converting their digital photographs into black & white depending on their style. I write this tutorial as a way to offer you just one way of doing it, certainly not the only way or the right way. I should also say that I like my black & white photographs to be just that…black and white. I suppose you could call it “high key” which not everyone likes. High key means that the image is high contrast or even over-exposed. So if you don’t like that kind of image, you may want to tone things down, but don’t worry, I hope this tutorial will show you that it’s easy to adjust to your own taste. I have a number of different things that I do to create different effects in my images but this is what I do when I just want to keep it plain and simple.

These instructions should be straightforward enough for a novice photoshop user although it presumes you’ve used Photoshop before and know a few of the terms like Layers and Opacity. No filters are used, just basic settings that should be in all versions of Photoshop (although I’m not sure about Elements since I’ve never used it).

So, without anymore faff and disclaiming, fire up Photoshop and give this a go: