Personal Photography

Zoey And Max

Canon 10D, 85mm, f2.8, 1/500, ISO 800

Canon 10D, 85mm, f2.5, 1/500, ISO 200

One of the greatest and most exciting parts of my trip came right at the end when I got to fly up to Seattle and have a little impromptu reunion with some of the people I spent 2 years in Mexico with. It had been about 13 years since we’d all seen each other and, even though we’re all married with kids, we got to pretend we were 21 again for a little while. Good times. I did take the opportunity to take a few photos of Marci and Erik‘s children. The photos in this post are of their two youngest, Zoey and Max. Zoey tagged along with us all weekend and was so quiet and laid back that you’d barely know she was there. Max is a little ball of energy who sings and dances wherever he goes. I had to crank up the shutter speed and even then I only caught a few that weren’t a blurred streak across the frame.


Wedding Photography, Vegas Style

Canon 10D 40mm, f8, 1/180, ISO 100

We did have models in the Boneyard on that last day and the poor things were surrounded by about 40 photographers all clicking away. They’re an actual married couple who are clients of AltF, although they might as well have been pros they were so good. This was our big chance to see how Chenin, Doug and John each approach a shoot in their own style. Chenin and John using available light and Doug using a lighting set up. One of the things that was stressed at the workshop that stood out to me was to find light and use it in ways that might not be typical. Such as using direct sunlight or shooting into the sun, things you’re not “supposed” to do but which can have a very dramatic effect.

Boneyard Couple
Canon 10D 85mm, f8, 1/180, ISO 100

Some of the other ideas was to have the subject do something, whether it be as simple as walking or playing with a necklace…or jumping of course:

Canon 10D 28mm, f11, 1/250, ISO 100

Here’s a few behind the scenes ones…Doug and Chenin:



John and the paparrazzi:

John Michael Cooper


I feel like I’ve only scraped the iceberg in telling you guys about the anti-workshop, but I also don’t want to be like the annoying person showing you their hundreds of holiday slides! The workshop was everything I was hoping it would be and then some more besides. I was so inspired and humbled by what I learned from everyone…not just the Coopers and the Boutwells, but also all of the other attendees. I was the newbie photographer of the group in comparison to everyone else but nobody made me feel bad for it. I spent the whole time wanting to just slow it all down because there was so much good stuff happening and I kept feeling like it was flying by too fast. I’ve never furiously taken so many notes in my life. Just a few random lessons that I learned off the top of my head:

– Don’t separate photography from other artforms, inspiration can be found everywhere and anywhere
– Become an avid hunter and collector of ideas
– “You don’t take a photo, you make it.”
– Don’t sterilise the scene, isolating things kills the story
– Light is the first priority…not setting
– Sunlight is not the enemy
– Be yourself

…and so much more to do with business and branding and Photoshop that I have a notebook full of it…now I just have to figure out how to apply it all!


The Boneyard

Canon 10D 17mm, f4, 1/1000, ISO 100

On the last day of the anti-workshop we got to do one thing that I was really really hoping we’d get to do. This is a place called the Boneyard (or the Neon Graveyard) and it’s where all the old neon signs from Las Vegas go to retire. It’s actually a lot smaller than I thought it would be but everywhere you look it’s just crammed with cool images. We got to photograph a bride and groom in here too and I’ll post some of those images tomorrow.

Golden Nugget
Canon 10D 17mm, f9.5, 1/125, ISO 100

Canon 10D 17mm, f4, 1/1000, ISO 100

Canon 10D 17mm, f11, 1/350, ISO 100

More here

Photography Portrait A Day

#30: Nate

Canon 10D 35mm, f6.7, 1/60, ISO 100

Nate was another of the fishmongers at the market yesterday. These guys really really wanted to sell people fish so it was quite easy to get them to pose for a photo.

Photography Portrait A Day

#29: Mike

Canon 10D 35mm, f6.7, 1/60, ISO 100

I’m in Seattle right now visiting some friends I’ve not seen in about 13 years. They were the people I lived with when I was a missionary in Mexico and we have been laughing and talking and reminiscing for two days now. It’s been the perfect ending to an amazing trip for me. Plus Seattle is the perfect detox after the glitz and noise of Las Vegas. Yesterday we went downtown to the Pike Place Market to buy some fish for dinner. I loved the atmosphere down there, just so colourful and bustling and full of character, I think if I was to live in America again Seattle is somewhere I would seriously consider. There are loads of different fish markets and the people selling the fish are like car salesmen competing to persuade you to buy from them. My portrait of the day is of Mike, one of the fish sellers.