

Canon 5D, 40mm, f4, 1/80, ISO 800

Steve and Dave from the Happy Pear in Greystones giving a talk on nutrition and extolling the benefits of, among other things, wheatgrass. All I know is anything that tastes that bad has to be good for you.

Ireland Photography

Killiney Bay

Killiney Bay
Canon 5DII, 28mm, f/20, 1/250, ISO 400

This has to be in my top ten favourite views. It’s from the Vico Road in Killiney looking out towards Bray Head and the Sugar Loaf.

Newborns Photography

Newborn Photography: Twins

Canon 5D, 28mm, f/3.5, 1/640, ISO 1000

Something I’ve been dying to do for ages is photograph twins and I got my opportunity a couple of weeks ago. These two brothers were so well behaved and when I put them down together they immediately linked arms.

Photography Tutorials and Reviews

How To Brighten Eyes In Photoshop

My first attempt at creating a video tutorial which is hopefully a bit easier to follow then a written tutorial. This is a short video explaining how I like to brighten eyes in Photoshop.

Click here to download the Bright Eyes action.

Click here for instructions on how to install actions in Photoshop.

Newborns Photography

Tiny Features

Tiny Features
Canon 5DII, 50mm, f/5.0, 1/80, ISO 800

I’ve taken a lot of baby photos this month…a very good thing for me since I love them but I’m aware that I don’t want to swamp the blog with too many of them and bore you all. I hope you guys don’t mind if I share a couple though if I space them out a bit. I bought a macro lens with this shot in mind and am so happy with how it turned out. I’ve never had a steady hand though so it’s a bit of a challenge for me to keep things sharp.