Category: Newborns

Like I said in the last post I was sure I would be up taking photos of Tom straight away but I had completely forgotten just how flattened a person feels after giving birth. Newborn photoshoots are more physical than you might think so it was 10 days before I finally managed to put together the shoot that I wanted to do rather than just snatching a couple of random ones.
Tom’s nursery is a work in progress because he’s still sleeping in with me but right now that means I have a lovely empty room with wood floors and white walls and a very groovy rocking chair. I’d had some of these shots in my head for awhile so it was a lot of fun being able to try a few things out (and Tom slept for ages bless him).
This is a blog post that is looooong past due. Thomas Matthew Wilson is now a whopping 13lbs and 10 weeks old and I’ve not done a single post of him or even posted a single photo. Well, I have been taking them just not actually getting around to doing anything with them. Some numbers: Tom was born 10 days early on the 4th of June at about 11pm after a short 2 hour labour weighing 8lbs 4oz. He’s been a dream of a baby and I’ve been back to work since he was 5 weeks old. I’m counting my self very lucky that he’s so good, I am aware that it’s not always like this and there’s nothing worse than having someone else tell you how wonderful their baby is sleeping when you don’t remember what it’s like not to fall asleep on the loo just because it’s the only time you’ve stopped moving for more than 30 seconds. Let’s just say Eve wasn’t so fond of sleeping as her brother.
OK, enough blabbing. I am just going to start putting photos up as I get to them in between photo processing and album designing. This is probably a first but I didn’t actually take most of these, Matt did. My waters broke at exactly 7:30pm on that Saturday evening (right as the credits to Dr. Who were rolling so hopefully that means he’s a sci fi fan like the rest of the family) and we were in the car heading to the hospital by 8pm when I realised I didn’t have my camera. Cue big U-Turn to go back and lots of laughter from all the neighbours out enjoying the evening sunshine and who had just waved us off a few minutes before. I couldn’t go without my camera though, I was so sure I’d be up photographing the new baby straight away. Strangely enough, when Tom arrived I wasn’t in much of a photographing frame of mind…who’d a thunk? Thankfully Matt was on the ball and I did manage to pick a lens and fumble with the settings so the shots weren’t completely dark. I think he did a good job and I’m very glad he took some because the whole thing is already becoming a blur to me.
to be continued…