Blogging Ireland Photography

Signs, Grips And Words

I got back from the Irish Businesswomen’s conference this evening and am about to collapse into my bed. It was a brilliant couple of days and I thoroughly enjoyed being there and taking part as well as taking the photographs but today I’m exhausted. I gained a new respect for photographers who cover day-long events like weddings…they really earn their money.

The photographs of the conference are up on Flickr, Conn will have the Podcasts up very soon and Keith Bohanna live-blogged the event, so with Annette chairing the day’s proceedings and Alan being one of the speakers, bloggers successfully infiltrated the conference.

We’re becoming a little like the masons…we need a secret handshake.

Ireland Photography

Irish Businesswomen’s Conference

I’m heading off to the Irish Businesswomen’s Conference down in sunny Westport tomorrow where I will be photographing the event (must go clear my memory cards!). The theme of the conference is “Thinking Bigger: What Are We Waiting For” and there’s a great line-up of speakers, including Annette Clancy of Interactions. Conn Ó Muíneacháin will be Podcasting the weekend and there will be quite a few other bloggers around the place so it’ll be nice to have some familiar names. That’s another good thing about blogging…normally I’d go to one of these events and stand shyly in the corner pretending to be incredibly interested in the pattern on the carpet because I wouldn’t know anyone.

One thing I’ve always missed when working from home is the ability to swivel round in my chair and have a chat with a colleague. Or to go and have a bit of a bit of a rant in the canteen about whatever frustrations I might be having. If Matt and Eve aren’t around, the house can get awfully quiet. So, I’m looking forward to cramming a few months worth of over-the-cubicle-partition chats into the next couple of days. The fact that it’s in an extremely nice hotel and I’m booked in for a massage tomorrow afternoon isn’t half bad either!

Ireland Personal Photography

Pet Cemetery


Taken at the pet cemetery on the grounds of Powerscourt House in County Wicklow. The inscription reads:

Doodles Chow
Died August 10th 1938
Loved and faithful friend for 14 yrs.
You’ve gone old friend
A grief too deep for tears
Fills all the emptiness
You’ve left behind
Gone is the dear
Companionship of years
The love that passed
All love of humankind

ooooookaay, after all, people do feel quite strongly about their pets…but their cows??


Ireland Photography

The House On The Hill II

Fox House

I took the photograph above just as we were about to leave. We were starting to feel a bit paranoid hearing dogs barking and watching for someone to appear and chase us off. I was sorry to go because I had only just started to explore the dairy and the stables that adjoined the house. They weren’t so spooky but it was like they’d been frozen in time:

Blue Bicycles


Horse Stall

Milk Pail

Ireland Photography

The House On The Hill


I think I first saw the house about six months ago when I happened to spot it from the top deck of a bus. It’s set back from the road behind the hedgerows so it isn’t easily seen if you’re down at ground level. As soon as I saw it I wanted to grab my camera and go explore but visions of angry farmers with shotguns or worse made me cautious. I didn’t know how to find out who owned it and the only way in was barred by two large and sturdy gates so I left it at that. Still, everytime we drove past where it was I would strain to catch a glimpse of it to make sure it was still there hoping I would get my chance.

Then a couple of weeks ago I noticed that the gates had been stolen which meant the driveway was clear and anyone could just walk right up to the house. Of course I wanted to go straight away, but, for some reason Matt wasn’t too keen on that idea. I was worried that now that the gates were down it was more likely that the place would be looted if there was anything there to loot and I wanted to see it as it was. Finally, Matt gave in to my constant talking about it and a week ago, when we were driving past, we pulled up to the gates and he got out to have a look. While Eve and I waited in the car I watched Matt’s retreating back as he disappeared up the driveway. In the distance all I could see was a single black window between the trees, and was thinking that if this was a movie I’d be shouting at the telly right now telling the actors not to be so stupid. I was just starting to wonder what I would do if he didn’t come back, when he appeared at the top of the driveway. I felt it was a good sign that he wasn’t running with a pack of dogs at his heels signalling for me to start the car.

When he got back to the car and described the house I was even more excited about going up to see it myself. Matt’s a real bluff Yorkshire man but he admitted it was quite spooky up there. With Eve in the car with us though we had to leave it for another time. Yesterday we finally got our chance. It was early afternoon, the sun was very bright so the conditions weren’t exactly perfect but I figured if I didn’t get any good shots we’d go back some other time. We parked the car a small ways away and walked back to the house. Matt didn’t help my nerves by telling me he was sure he could hear dogs but in the end we were able to wander around for an hour or so. I could have stayed longer, and I would have loved to have gone inside the house but it had been damaged in a fire and didn’t look safe at all:

Come On In

One of the spookiest things about the place were the crows…hundreds and hundreds of them in the trees all around the house so the noise was really loud. Every now and then they would all take off at once and the sky would be full of them:


There were plenty of outhouses filled with old rusted junk and barbed wire:

Window Light

The house had the most personality though, if you could call it that. This chair was sat on the old burned out porch, the perfect place to watch the world go by:

A Seat On The Porch

More tomorrow…