I went to my parent’s house yesterday afternoon for lunch and while everyone else was watching Ireland’s ill-fated rugby match against France I slipped away to take a few photographs. I decided to go and visit an old haunt from my younger years, Mullins Hill, where I used to go wandering for hours. It’s a bleak little hill really, not much there other than rocks, ferns and gorse, but it has the most amazing panoramic views of Dublin and the Wicklow Mountains and it was perfect for teenage angsty dreaming.
Author: Claire
This is how Eve reacted this morning to the news that Gingerpixel has been nominated for an Irish Blog Award in four categories:
Best Photoblog
Best Personal Blog
Best Designed Blog
Most Humorous Post (for the Garda Prank Call)
Thank you so much if you nominated me and if you want to check out all the nominees then Jason Roe has the full list over at his site. The finalists in each category will be decided based on how many votes they receive from the voting public (and if I might say, what a gorgeous bunch you are…is that a new haircut?) so I need your votes! It’s one vote per person per category so if you, and the members of your extended family, like my blog please cast your vote HERE. Oh, and just to clear up a misunderstanding from the previous round, you don’t have to be Irish to vote!
Voting ends on February the 16th at 5pm GMT, that’s next Friday, so don’t delay…
…because you don’t want this face on your conscience now do you?
Absolut Lomo
Holga cameras started out as a cheap way for working-class people in China to be able to take photos of their families. Because the materials used to make these cameras is so cheap the results are over-saturated colours, blurred and dark edges, light-leaking and weird double-exposures. Strangely this look is so distinctive and often striking that it’s acquired a bit of a cult status and people with expensive digital cameras will often doctor their clean images to imitate the Lomo look (you can include me in this group…examples above).
Caitriona has a competition on her photoblog that’s running alongside the Absolut Lomo competition. They sent her an email out of the blue to say they were giving her two Holga cameras, one for her and one for the winner of any competition she wanted to run in return for some publicity for their own campaign. Now why doesn’t anything like that ever happen to me? I’d be happy to link to the Apple website if they want to send me a couple of iPods.
Caitriona explains the rules over on her blog but basically you just need to submit a photo to the Absolut Lomo Wall and then email her either the link or the photo so she can choose a winner. The photograph can be of anything at all as long as it follows the 10 rules of Lomography:
1. Take your LOMO everywhere you go & whenever you go.
2. Use it anytime — day or night.
3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.
4. Shoot from the hip.
5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible.
6. Don’t think.
7. Be fast.
8. You don’t have to know beforehand what you’ve captured on film.
9. You don’t have to know afterwards, either.
10. Don’t worry about the rules.
Ghostly Road
My first attempts at creating artsmoke (as inspired by Graham Jeffrey of Sensitive Light). I would have liked the images to have been sharper but unfortunately my lighting wasn’t the best. I might have to go and buy myself a good strong lamp so I can experiment a little bit more.