Photography Portrait A Day

#13: Gareth

Canon 10D 28mm, f2.8, 1/350, ISO 200

Markham rightly said in the comments for my last portrait that I needed to mix things up a bit. Thank you for that Markham because this is one of my favourites so far. I teach a couple of times a week in the IADT (Institute of Art, Design and Technology) and when I went there today I only packed my 28mm lens rather than my 85mm which I’ve been using up until now so I had to find a new way of taking a portrait. I was walking across the Quadrangle on my way to the canteen when I spotted someone in one of the windows. The framing and the reflections jumped at me and I went in and asked if I could take his photograph. The lovely thing about being in an art college is that nobody bats an eyelid or looks at you like you’re crazy when you say you’re doing a personal photography project. It’s more like…”Oh, you too then?”

Photography Portrait A Day

#12: Christina

Canon 10D 85mm, f2.8, 1/180, ISO 200

I think that Christina and Daniella are related to each other, there’s a definite resemblance in the nose and the cheeks. I didn’t notice it until I was editing today’s. Christina charged me €5 for her portrait though 😀

Photography Portrait A Day

#11: Daniella

Canon 10D 85mm, f4, 1/500, ISO 400

Daniella is a Romanian girl who busks on the main street of Greystones and is so warm and friendly. I’ve been wanting to photograph her for awhile but I guess she was on her Christmas break. Today she was back so I took my opportunity. Doesn’t she have beautiful eyes?

Photography Portrait A Day

#10: Mick (my Dad)

Canon 10D 85mm, f2.8, 1/60, ISO 200

Well, I was over in my parent’s house for the afternoon so my Dad got called on to do the posing…in the garden…in the rain, so thanks Dad!

Photography Portrait A Day

#9: Tom

Canon 10D 85mm, f2.8, 1/90, ISO 200

Eve spotted Tom before I did by shouting and pointing “Santa! Santa!” so that she nearly fell out of her pram with the excitement of it all. He was certainly jolly and friendly enough to be Santa and was very gracious when I asked for his photograph. He was out walking with his two grandsons and it was nice to stand and chat photography with him for a few minutes.

For previous portraits click here.