
“Get Ats”

“Get Ats” is the phrase coined by my mother to describe those little actions we have to do in order to stop something bad from happening.

“Get Ats” is the phrase coined by my mother to describe those little actions we have to do in order to stop something bad from happening. You know, like not stepping on the cracks in the pavement so as to avoid breaking the back of someone you love. Now, don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about. My husband tries to be all cool and deny that this is a very normal fixation but I’m positive everyone’s got something they do that makes no logical sense but is a compulsion. Now there are different levels, I will admit this, and I’m not talking about the psychological illness “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder”, although I’m sure that has to start somewhere.

At the risk of having the men come to take me away, here are a few of my “Get Ats” in the hopes that some of you lurking readers might leave a comment and prove to my doubting husband that this is something that goes beyond my crazy family.

1. Shoes, when taken off, must be left in a position that would be comfortable if someone was wearing them. This also applies to trousers and shirts.

2. Toothbrushes can’t be left in their holders with their faces mashed up against other toothbrushes just in case they don’t get along. I mean how horrible would it be if you were left with your face smushed up against the wet face of someone you don’t like for hours on end. Have a heart.

3. All food, shampoo, drink containers with a twist top must not be closed while their bottoms are touching a surface like a countertop or table. If you do their air supply is cut off…they can’t breathe! Lift the container, twist shut then place on the surface/countertop.

4. When you buy a new bottle of shampoo or shower gel, don’t put them next to the nearly empty bottles they will soon replace. It’s not fair to highlight their shortcomings.

5. If a spider or other insect survives your first attempt to wash them down the plughole in the bathtub you have to help them out and set them free into the wild. They deserve it and obviously have something to live for like a family back at the web.

OK, I’m stopping now because I’m worried I’m scaring away what few readers I have!

7 replies on ““Get Ats””

the third and fourth ones may result in my beloved being taken off to the funny farm.
They are new examples of insanity to me. 🙂

Interesting, I’m going to save this page and comment on it in the future. Whats the saying about a thin line between sanity and ….. ? I wouldn’t worry about scaring away readers you might get more readers like me 🙂

Claire, honey, you’ve lost it. “They are coming to take you away, haha, they’re coming to take you away …. it’s off to the funny farm” …. can’t remember how the rest of the lyrics go.

This is a really funny post and also rings a bit true with me! I do that thing with spiders in the bath as well, I reckon if they surrive your first attempt at killing them they deserve to go free! My favourite has to be the tops on containers! Priceless!

Well one out of five readers who don’t think I’m completely bonkers is good enough for me 😉

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